For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you know well that I LOVE COLOR. It is impossible for me not to bring the vibration of color to everything I do, wear, eat and see. Color does convey a vibration as each color has its own unique resonance. Without doing the specific research until creating this article I have been captivated by Neon Yellow (Glow) and Lavender (Serenity) for months. Typically, my choice of toenail polish would be a fun orangie red for Spring and Summer. Nope, lavender toes it is and has been all year. My go to color through the April drabs, May Gray and June gloom has been Neon yellow brightening up my spirit and those around me. I have been told that sunglasses might be required to tolerate the Glow.
However, where did NEON and the subsequent yellow version originate? Let’s first go back to 1898 and the lab of Sir William Ramsey and Morris Travers. Neon the chemical element, the Noble gas was discovered along with Krypton and Xenon as one of the three residual rare inert elements remaining in dry air, after nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide were removed. Neon was the second of the three rare gases and immediately recognizable because of its bright red emission spectrum.
You can actually see the frequency.
Fast forward to 1912 when neon discharge tubes were first sold in England as eye catching advertising signs bringing Neon into Style with immediate success. It wasn’t until 1923 when the U.S. was introduced to the medium and first employed by a Los Angeles Packard car dealership who bought two large neon signs. These signs completely delineated them from the competition and began the “electro-graphic architecture” suggesting a “century of progress” and forever changing advertisements with their GLOW.
This deeper dive confirms and affirms my attraction and devotion to color especially the pairing of Neon with Lavender. Neon yellow is the color of the sun, bright, warm and energetic. It represents happiness, hope, FUN, encourages optimism and is uplifting. Small wonder it is so popular at this moment in time when humanity needs an uplift to the dark corners left from the past years’ events. Lest we forget Lavender, which is the perfect balance to the powerful NEON yellow. Because it represents purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace and calmness. Lavender is the color or femininity, gentleness and tranquility, which is a descendant of purple the Regal color of royalty for centuries because of the expense to produce it.
Perhaps if we all put on a little Neon and Lavender, we too can create Glow and Calm, I look forward to seeing how you show up.