Do you hesitate to purchase, wear, rock and roll certain items of clothing? I suspect we all do given the circumstances and extent of the distance outside our “box” the garment falls. There are many other circumstances giving pause and or walking away that would apply; however, I am going to stick with Fashion this time. Fashion tends be a barometer of self-confidence and, of course, discernment.
Yet, when you think about the Fashion cycles of your life, it is apparent that influence has always been weighed, and making choices perhaps not as easy for some as for others. When you were a baby until probably through most of elementary school, your clothing was selected for you. You had very little to do with the selection until there was an awareness of what others were wearing. Then, it was a whole new ball game, and most parents will agree that it was a contest of wills regularly to get out of the house in an outfit that was fit for purpose for all.
When my son was a baby lying on the changing table, I would hold up two distinctly different outfits from which he would choose. I know this sounds crazy, but on certain days, colors or prints or whatever would catch his eye, and he would reach for that one. At some level, I was trying to condition him to think for himself, which is the foundation for self-confidence, being able to choose what feels right for you.
When it comes to getting dressed, both Bravery and Courage are engaged. Bravery is more spontaneous and involves setting fear aside. Courage is about having fear, being mindful of the risks, and making the conscious decision to do something anyway. It is a Very thin line between the two, but a distinction none the less. As this blog is equal parts inspiration and information, I would invite you to apply the definitions of Bravery and Courage to your wardrobing. Both words challenge fear which is simply – False Evidence Appearing Real.
I challenge you to dig through your closet for that piece with the tag still on it, the pop of color you have avoided but love, those shoes you are saving for a special occasion, and step out with Bravery, head back, wind in your face and dress as if no one is watching. Because you know what – they aren’t at least not in the way you think they are. No one is judging you but you! Enjoy the freedom of making your choices from your heart and send your brain out to run some errands.