Mommy, These aren’t daytime pants!
I was recently on a call with my branding expert who was working from home with her 4 year old daughter. She was trying to get her to put on some warm pants as she was just getting over being sick. I heard her offer her daughter all the reasons to put on the fluffy,...
Hemlines: The Long and Short of It
Hemlines have been around since the early Egyptian and Roman times worn by men and women alike. Skirts and dresses the most evident of hemlines slowly transformed over the centuries into quintessential style items of femineity and grace in the Western world. For...
Dressing Bears
A stuffed animal is cozy, soft, squishy and huggable, but what happens when you dress them, adding clothes and accessories to complement their appeal. It turns a stuffed animal into a super hero, sports star, princess, disco queen, Dr, Harry Potter or a myriad of...
Taking a Lead from Eagles
There is a story which captivated my attention on Instagram about Eagles rebirthing themselves at 40 years of age. Turns out, although Eagles can live up to 70 years, few have been chronicled to reach that age. The story is that at 40 years of age, they face a...
The Low Down on Mark Downs
I shop a lot, which has developed a rhythm. I scout the coming season, watch for sales and “mark downs” in the current season, look for way off season at a bargain price, and generally keep my eyes open. What do I look for? Garments that are quintessential, because...
What’s Your Fashion Fix?
What’s your Fashion Fix? You know... that one thing that no matter how many you have, you can always accommodate one more. For me, it is shoes and lipstick. Shoes were and still are a great one because they take very little trying on and usually fit no matter what’s...
Put on your “suit” – it’s time to go Swimming
Eyes open or Eyes shut? When trying on a bathing suit of course. Actually, I don’t try them on. The lights are always so harsh and no matter how much tan you have accumulated, it is never enough. The way around it is to find a brand you really like, that fits your...
What to Wear on the Plane
It is the season for travel, and packing for a trip, be it your bucket list trip, business or destination occasion, nobody relishes the packing. If you do, please let me know because even I the super packer do not enjoy the angst of WHAT TO TAKE. Allow me to suggest...
Panache /pəˈnaSH/ noun flamboyant confidence of style or manner. Words that are Similar : Flamboyant, confidence, self-assurance, style, flair, elan, flourish, zest, spirit, éclat, vigor, gusto, enthusiasm, energy, pizazz and oomph HISTORICAL: ...
Is It Going Gray or Turning Silver?
My experience was a tad of each. During the summer of 2018 my hairdresser Ursula who had been “highlighting” my hair since I moved to California in 1992 broke her arm. There might be some things you can do with one arm out of commission however, doing intricate hair...